Masterclass Endoscopic Spine Course
July 13th – 15th, 2023 | Edinburgh On-site and Online The first ESPINEA® World Summit will be held in Edinburgh, Scotland on July 13th- 15th, 2023. This is an exclusive Summit and Masterclass Course in endoscopic spinal surgery. Endoscopic spine experts from around the world will come together for the purpose of greater education in minimally invasive spine surgery. The ESPINEA® team welcomes all participants to this intensive World Summit. We would also like to thank joimax® and The Royal College of Edinburgh Surgeons for their support in organizing this meeting.OUR SUMMIT MEETING GOAL:
Training & Education: With this focus, the Summit creates an atmosphere to help the surgeons gain experience and continue learning while surrounded by peers and fellow endoscopic experts. This atmosphere encourages the exchange of skills and new technology training, ensuring every participant leaves with more advanced endoscopic spinal knowledge.
Scientific Information: Through our numerous global communication channels, the latest scientific news, product innovations by joimax® and publications will be shared.
Community: Having the ability to come together as a group of experts in the field of endoscopic spine surgery is very important. As we share the lifestyle and progress as one big family of worldwide surgeons, we set the optimal standards of spinal therapy.
Keep In Touch: The world of endoscopic spine surgery is growing quickly, so it is vital to stay connected. At the summit, you have the opportunity to meet with other surgeons and experts from all around the world.

About joimax®
Founded in Karlsruhe, Germany in 2001, joimax® is the leading developer and marketer of complete systems for full-endoscopic and minimally invasive spinal surgery. With the Endoscopic Surgical Systems TESSYS® (transforaminal), iLESSYS® (interlaminar) and CESSYS® (cervical) for decompression procedures, MultiZYTE® for facet and sacroiliac joint pain treatment, EndoLIF® and Percusys® for minimally-invasive endoscopically assisted stabilizations, established systems are provided, addressing a whole range of indications.About The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh was founded in 1505 by Royal Charter granted from King James IV. From the discoveries of Simpson and Lister to modern day pioneers of medicine and dentistry who are developing simulation, VR, and robotics, the College has been a seat of learning and advancement for over 515 years. It is the oldest Surgical College in the world with just under 30,000 members in 100 countries, almost half of whom are overseas, touching every stage of the career path from medical student to consultant.